Chronic Pain

How can I help

When you have chronic pain you will do everything you can in order to erase, dimminish or cope with that pain.
Your view on life completely changes, therefore, your life changes as it is limited by that pain.

It is time to release yourself from the pain or at least soothe it.


Hypnotherapy can help you in different ways.
We can sometimes look for the cause in order to understand it and maybe that can help.
Sometimes we can take a look at the symptoms and  I can help you relax and cope with the pain. The possibilities are out there but each case is a case.

Shamanic Practices

Shamanic healing can have a very good effect on coping with pain. Shamanic healing can have a very good effect on coping with pain.
Because we are dealing with energy, the energy transference can be quite soothing and at the time it might calm down the pain.